It's hard to tell what people reactions would be if they were walking down the refrigerated beverage aisle of there favorite grocery store and saw on an ordinary milk carton it said cloned milk. Well, in a few years if all goes well with the FDA this will be a BIG possibility. Initially, this cloned milk and meat are made from cloned cows and goats but there have been many controversies about people actually eating the cloned food (or drinking the milk). Ultimately, the big problem is people like Dr. Hansen who is anti-cloned eat or drink. He thinks this "Though studies have found nothing wrong with the animal products, that doesn't mean they should be fed to humans." He also says that the FDA's work is "A weak risk assessment with people vested interest from the industry side" On the other hand, many scientists like TransOva Genetics President David Faber believe the cloned milk and meat are safe. "Generally the animals that survived have been perfectly normal." Says Biochemist R. Micheal Roberts. Chemical tests show that mostly the same nutrients are in these products as the original milk and meat. All in all scientists (one example being Dr. Faber) continue studying this matter more adequately everyday to assure safety to any who consume these products in the future. : O (shocked)
Dead Fish in NJ Lab
15 years ago