Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Comparison Between Combustion Cars and Electric Cars

Combustion cars have been entrusted by modern society for plenty of reasons. Such as, efficiency, time, saftey, and long distance travel. However, these friends to our society do have their downfalls. For instance, they are noisy and smelly. This is caused by the fossil fuels that are used for the engine. Examples of these are, gasoline and diesel. Which when is used it is burned which makes the air polluted and smelly. These cars were invented around the late 1800's and the early 1900's by Karl Benz. Although, the combustion cars aren't good for the enviornment, people still use themtor they aren't awart of the dangers. Therefore, people are inventing electric cars to replace the polluting combustions. Electric cars must, in my opinion, replace combustion cars. Electric cars are controlled by a battery rather than a fossil fuel. These batteries need to be charged after a certain amount of time. Since these cars do not have to be fueled, they don't pollute the air. This makes them better for the environment. These cars were made popular in the early to mid 1990's. These cars are very popular in the U.S market because they are good for the enviornment and some can go 96mph in about 8 seconds while being almost completely silent and for only about 30,000 dollars depending on the manufacturer. Hybrid cars are half combustion and half electrc car. They are extremely succesful on the market. All in all, in my opinion if more people were to buy these electric cars rather than the combustion cars, the earth would be a better, safer and cleaner place to live.

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